JHHS students Emma Butler and Danny Bottom have been selected as October's Seniors of the Month.
By Noa Rice, JHHS Journalism Staff
If you have ever attended an event at Jackson Heights, you’ve probably seen one, or both, of these Seniors running around getting things done. Their commitment and dedication to their school and community encompass what it means to be a Cobra.
Emma enjoys sleeping, watching Tiktok, and just staying in her room. During high school, Emma has been active in cheer, track, basketball, school plays, cross country manager, KAY club, SADD, Cobra Mentors, and pep club. When asked what motivates her, Emma said “the quote 'Be gentle with yourself. You’re going through a lot, but you’re doing amazing and that’s enough for right now'."
Danny has his hands full with FCCLA, StuCo, FBLA, FCA, cross country, Cobra Mentors, pep band, jazz band, and participated in last year's play “The Butler Did It” as Father Tim. Some of his hobbies include going on walks, working, reading, and driving around while listening to music. One of the funniest things that has happened to Danny in high school was during the 2022 school year, while on an FCCLA trip to California. On their flight, when landing in Texas, they decided to stay the night. On their way to the airport he realized he left his wallet and had to get it mailed back to Kansas from Texas.
Congratulations to this month's Seniors of the Month, Emma and Danny.