Well Thursday night at the Homecoming Bonfire, I did a thing. Just like the rest of Cobra Nation, when I heard about what was going on with Skylar, it floored me. Then I got the requests for fundraisers to support her family, and I was once again overjoyed with how much our community bonds together. Even my boys got into the action as they made an impromptu lemonade stand during the Powder Puff Football game Wednesday night. Emi Fritz led the charge Thursday night at the “Bash Cancer” car bash event. Afterward, she and I were talking about how well they did, and the parents yet again brought up the topic about how I had to go out and buy a pink shirt for pink day and Emi has a lightbulb moment among all lightbulb moments. “Mr. Smith, how much money do we have to raise for you to color your beard pink?”
Like I said at the top of this article, I did a thing. I told her that it would take $1,000 raised for me to be willing to color my beard pink on pink out night. And with that, a bet was made. The next morning, she comes to me after counting the cash from the bash as well as the stand ($327) and she defeatedly asks me if we can lower the price on coloring my beard. I refuse.
Not only do I refuse, but I blatantly refuse because I now put it out to Cobra nation. One of our own is hurting and needs our help. We aren’t a community, we are a family. Here is how this fundraiser is going to play out. We aren’t selling trinkets that will eventually be thrown in the trash, or sweet treats none of us should be eating anyway. I am just flat out asking Every Cobra out there to be kind to a Cobra that needs you. Be it a buck or a twenty, we can all spare something for someone that needs it more than us. Bring it down to the High School office and tell Miccah when you hand it to her that, “This one is for Sky” and she will add it to the fund. Or a check (written to jackson heights memo "for Sky") I am willing to believe that I didn’t raise the bar too high, but too low. I am betting I should have put an extra zero on that number. Skylar Mann is one of our own. A true Cobra, she is the 1,887th person to ever walk across that stage and receive her diploma. I am willing to wear pink and have my beard painted for a day to take care of one of our own.