Track Bus

I once heard that Bob Seger's inspiration for the song "Against The Wind" came from his high school days of running track & field and cross country. If you've heard the song and you've ran in cross country or track, you'll get the references. Instead of running "against the wind", I'd say that coaching track this year was closer to leaning against the wind. Here I am, the 1st year head coach of a sport I enjoyed in school...but not entirely sure what was all entailed before I started. I'd like to say I'm pretty steadfast and even though it was tougher than I originally thought it was going to be, it made me just lean into it harder to figure it all out.

For a guy that likes to talk as much as I do, I struggle to put the entire breadth of my feelings in a written document/article. I guess I'll just keep it simple. I just want to give a huge "thank you" to the parents, relatives & friends that have supported the kids all season. I appreciate your patience -- I'm not too proud to say that I had my share of mistakes and hang-ups that come with doing this job for the first time. Getting 43 kids into as many events as possible making sure to not have more than three in any single event and be mindful of injuries/dynamics that change from week to week...there were some stressful nights getting kids entered into events correctly (and yes...I made a few mistakes).

My goal for everyone was to get better every day. Your best time, height, distance should be something you strive for towards the end of the season -- that means you got stronger & got better in your individual events. Our NEKL (all league) track meet was last week and we had a great majority of our kids hit their PR's (Personal Records). Even the ones that didn't meet their individual goals, still competed phenomenally. I couldn't be prouder of our kids when I see how much they improved over the season.

The 8th Grade Boys team deserves a shout out -- they ALMOST won "All-League" champs. Only lost by a couple points to McLouth. I'm looking forward to watching them move up the ladder and compete at a higher level.

I'd like to also thank my assistant, Marvin Keehn. If I ever had a question about something, needed help with a workout or just needed help in any way imaginable -- he was there for me. He has a great coaching disposition and his heart is in the right place. I'm looking forward to working with him again.

My last couple of "thanks" go out to a few people that helped out behind the scenes.

To Mr. Plattner --> Sorry for all the phone calls and emails asking if I was doing everything right on the input software for track meets. I promise, I'll get it figured out eventually.

To Mr. Alley --> I appreciate the deadline updates and the open line of communication. You being as organized as you are helps me be organized.

To Christina & other office staff --> Sorry I was hoarding our stuff in the office. Also I appreciate you checking on leave times & getting kids into the trainer to get checked out.

To my wife, Shannon --> Define "flexibility". It's not easy sharing your husband with the school. I appreciate you being there for me and being a great partner in this crazy life as of late. If you are around a teacher this time of understand how crazy things get in May.

Thank you all!

Go Cobras!!!! -- Coach Henry