As the final curtain draws on an eventful year of Cobra Forensics, it’s time to reflect on the joy and laughter, the road bumps, and the unforgettable moments that defined our team’s season.
This year, three fresh-faced rookies joined our seasoned veterans to form a tight-knit ensemble. Fueled by passion and commitment, we pushed our boundaries week after week, improving our stage presence and public speaking skills with each competition. In the end, three of our rookies - Nathaniel Linck, Brooke Slipke, and Ethan Gulotta - joined second-year veteran Korbin Karns in qualifying to compete at the State level. While at State, which took place Saturday, May 4th in Wichita, junior Korbin Karns made it through the first three rounds of competition and into semi-finals to close out the season. Needless to say, Wichita was one wild ride!
Despite our successes, our journey was not without its challenges. With packed schedules at school this year, Forensics class had to be scrapped. This meant students were on their own to find time to select pieces, learn lines, write speeches, and rehearse. There are no words that can adequately express how impressed I was by the dedication this team showed to their craft. I cannot wait to see what we will accomplish with a more structured practice schedule next season!
As we bid farewell to the 2024 Forensics season, we carry with us the lessons learned and the memories cherished. Here's to the early morning departure times, the sacrificed Saturdays, the bus ride ballot reviews, the mid-round Uno battles, and to surviving Mrs. Cormier's driving!
Until next time, break a leg, and let the show go on!